Thanks Jennifer (JC's Coffeehouse) for honoring me with the You Make My Day Award! This quick sketch is dedicated to you, a new friend and fellow blogger who believes, as I do, that the movie Outbreak is a wonderfully touching love story. It's a must-see this Valentines Day! : )
There are a few creative and wonderful bloggers that make my day each and every day and I'd like to pass this award to them! And they can pass the award along to others if they'd like:
Kate (Kathleen Rietz - Artist) who inspires me and makes me smile every day.
Ryan (Bone and Shadow) whose skull mysteries keep me entertained for hours (really!). Plus, he's a cool guy.
Juj (Hey Juj) whose quirky illustrations make my brain do double takes and always crack me up. "Whaaaaa?"
Karen (Karen Blados, Artist and Designer) whose daily musings, stories about her family, and colorful sketches brighten my day.
Susan (Susan's Scribbles) who challenges herself creatively every day. I wanna be like her.
Ok, I must present one last award! Am I breaking award-giving rules? Oh heck, I think she's a rule-breaker herself! LOL But I think France (Wagonized) deserves a special YMMD Award just cuz she's so freakin good!