Monday, December 29, 2014


`a`ali`i, graphite pencil (NOT FOR SALE)

For friends. :) `A`ali`i is a native Hawaiian plant that produces beautiful pinkish-green to red to purplish fruit and grows in the Volcano area and elsewhere. It's one of my favorite plants.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Oil lamp

charcoal and colored pencils

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stuart from Scotland

white charcoal on recycled brown paper (Big Black Bee brand)

If you haven't checked out France Belleville-Van Stone's newly published book, "Sketch! The Non-Artist's Guide to Inspiration, Technique and Drawing Daily Life," you really must!

I admit that life has gotten a bit hectic this past year and it seems my art has gone by the wayside ... Eeek! I haven't posted anything for almost a year! However, France reminds us that it takes very little to get started and there are a zillion things around us that can inspire us to draw and she even provides helpful hints, from A to Z, on what we can sketch. She inspired me to get back to what I love to do so here is my drawing of Stuart from Scotland (scr1bbl3s at the Julia Kay Portrait Party) and I am glad to say I am back! :D Thanks France!