Saturday, June 28, 2008

Day 14 of 21: Japanese doll

Not that I was an ungrateful child (at least I don't think I was), but when my parents gave me this doll, I had no idea what to do with it. I couldn't play with it because she stands in her very own glass case. I vaguely recall wanting a walkman instead. As I got older, I grew to appreciate the things she represented: tradition, humility, gracefulness, skill. Now, I cherish her. She stands about 16 inches tall, including that hair. I painted this tonight, with transparent watercolor on Arches cold press 300 lb paper. Hmmm, I see an Asian theme here ...

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 13 of 21: Contentment

Believe me, the concept of a DAILY drawing challenge has not been lost on me. I mean, the fact that my 13th daily drawing (of 21) is going on its 52nd day, has left me quite embarrassed, really. The intent of the drawing challenge that Gina and Alicia started way back in April was for folks to spend just 15 minutes a day drawing something ... anything! Although I have not lived up to that expectation, I can honestly say without a doubt, that I've been *thinking* about drawing at least 15 min each day!!! LOL

Tonight, I challenged myself to draw the negative and positive of my Buddha sculpture. It was challenging but totally fun.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 12 of 21: Boy's Day doll

We've had this Japanese warrior doll in our family for as long as I can remember. It's usually set out on Boy's Day, which falls on May 5th every year. It's supposed to teach boys about strength and ward off evil. I dunno, with a warrior outfit like that, a boy would HAVE to be pretty strong to fend off other boys who just wanna kick his butt.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 11 of 21: Garden guardian

At this very moment, I am staring at a mynah bird nest about 4 ft from me, just outside my window. As I sit and write this, a pair is setting up home, happily gurgling, screeching, warbling, and making all kinds of kooky noises. I thought about dismantling the nest but I'm afraid I'll suffer the karmic consequences! Although I now know I have to tolerate their incessant racket, I can't complain. They will have to tolerate my repeated playing of James Blunt's newest CD long into the night! I figure we're even.

This is my entry for the International Moleskine Exchange with my group (Moly_x_9). I'm including the cover of Stephanie Sicore's moleskine cuz I think it's just FAB! This one is off to Laura (Laurelines) tomorrow. Oh, if you want a better scan of my drawing, you can check it out here.