Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stuart from Scotland

white charcoal on recycled brown paper (Big Black Bee brand)

If you haven't checked out France Belleville-Van Stone's newly published book, "Sketch! The Non-Artist's Guide to Inspiration, Technique and Drawing Daily Life," you really must!

I admit that life has gotten a bit hectic this past year and it seems my art has gone by the wayside ... Eeek! I haven't posted anything for almost a year! However, France reminds us that it takes very little to get started and there are a zillion things around us that can inspire us to draw and she even provides helpful hints, from A to Z, on what we can sketch. She inspired me to get back to what I love to do so here is my drawing of Stuart from Scotland (scr1bbl3s at the Julia Kay Portrait Party) and I am glad to say I am back! :D Thanks France!


Kathleen Rietz said...

Wonderful. I am glad you are sketching again. I have such fond memories of sketching together over iChat. Life seemed simple then, didn't it? (:

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