Ciuccio's Challenge
I love a good challenge. I came across a nature scene challenge that Ciuccio51 had provided with the Flickr group, Watercolourist, Painting with Light. So, being a good Aries that I am, took up the challenge despite it being rather late in coming. It was a bit challenging to create areas of focus and I'm not sure if I achieved that but it was fun to do nonetheless. I just might try to do another one of the same scene, which you should know, is totally out of character. Check out the link for other interpretations of the nature scene. To get you started, here are a few that I love. One is done by Sigrid Frensen, or Sigster as I like to call her, from Noordhorn, Netherlands. Another by none other than ciuccio51 from Florence, Italy. And finally one by linfrye of the View from the Oak blog. Please check out their Flickr sites. All are totally gorgeous and worth a visit. :)